Palm Beach County Testosterone Replacement Help. 561-277-8260 Jupiter, Florida

Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment where a physician may prescribe additional testosterone to be added to a man’s body (e.g. by injecting testosterone or through a cream), which will increase the levels of testosterone in his body. It’s used to treat a condition called hypogonadism, which is typically characterized by low testosterone levels in the blood (diagnosed via blood test) and by showing signs of clinical testosterone deficiency (e.g. low energy, weight gain, decreased sex drive and muscle mass, lack of body hair, excessive breast growth etc…).

 Hypogonadism often occurs when a man does not produce enough testosterone, perhaps because the testes are not working properly, or because the hypothalamus or pituitary gland in the brain isn’t not working properly. The hypothalamus and pituitary glands produce hormones that stimulate testosterone production in the testes. There are many reasons as to why this could be the case which is why it’s important to come and have a consultation with a board certified and licensed doctor with experience in BHRT, like at NovaGenix.

The goal of testosterone replacement therapy is to raise the blood testosterone levels to what normal levels would typically be in a male that age. By doing so, it can also restore the man’s libido and expression of male sex characteristics, help decrease body fat, increase muscle and energy levels, improve mood and performance.

Testosterone replacement therapy is used to treat men who have undergone a physical exam and had labs taken (blood draw) and received a diagnosis of hypogonadism. Normal T levels will range from around 300-1000 nm/dl.

 As we progress in age these levels will decrease significantly by 1-2% annually. In order to be diagnosed with low T, a man must have both low blood concentrations of bio available and free testosterone and clinical symptoms of hypogonadism (e.g. lack of body hair, breast growth, lethargy, diminished libido etc…). 

At NovaGenix we’ve treated dozens of individual with hormone imbalance and the results are overwhelmingly positive as the treatment has changed their lives. Call us at 561-277-8260 for more information and to schedule your appointment today!


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